Isilon Log Gather Cron Job

Sure, OneFS clusters will periodically send up a full log gather (monthly health-check, after a parts failure, manually when Support uses ESRS…), but I’ve found that having consistent log gathers run on a schedule to be extremely beneficial. Therefore, I like to run the isi_gather_info command as a cron job.

Recommended reading:

I highly recommend bookmarking the Isilon Uptime Info Hub (KB: 000126793). Specific cron tab information can be found in the Tips for Deploying Scripts on Dell EMC PowerScale OneFS Clusters – part 2 (KB: 000126264) article. Specifically, this part:

If you want the script to run under the control of the cron/daemon/service for OneFS 7.x: add lines to /etc/mcp/override/crontab.smbtime on any node as follows. Note that OneFS 8.x is different.

# Comment to explain what, who, why, and when.

        <min> <hour> <dayofweek> <month> <dayofweek> isi_ropc -s /bin/bash /ifs/scripts/my/

# End addition by <your name>


The following is what I add to crontab.smbtime on the cluster, including comments:

# created by
# Weekly log gather via ESRS (change --esrs to --ftp for passive ftp)
# Clean old logs before new gather

00 21 * * SUN root isi_ropc "find /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pkg -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;"

30 21 * * SUN root isi_for_array find /var/crash -name "hwcheck-20*" -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;

00 22 * * SUN root isi_ropc "/usr/bin/isi_gather_info --esrs --no-dumps --no-cores"

isi_ropc means “run once per cluster”

isi_for_array means “run once per node”

I prefer this log gather to run at the end of Sunday, so we have a baseline before the work week starts. Remember that if you have any open SRs and are configured for email alert updates, each SR will notify you that a new log is available.